May Newsletter

Click Here to Contribute to Judge Porter's Campaign

Chantelle was privileged to be among the distinguished guests at the NAACP Freedom Fund Gala.

Chantelle and her son Austin had a memorable experience watching the April Solar Eclipse. Did you also catch a glimpse of the eclipse? If so, where were you when you watched it?

Chantelle showcased the latest Child Protection law updates alongside her fellow Judges at Ed Con. Judges must remain informed and current on the law to safeguard the welfare of children.

Chantelle had an enriching experience at the Illinois Judicial Council reception, where she had the opportunity to connect with other Black judges from across the state. Her presence there was particularly significant, as she made history by becoming the first black woman judge in DuPage County.

Chantelle had a wonderful time with the NAACP discussing Juvenile Justice. “One of the day's highlights was meeting Judge Chantelle Porter, the First African American Female Judge in DuPage County. Her presence was inspiring and a reminder of the importance of diversity and representation in positions of power.”- Zoey, Freshman, President DuPage County NAACP Youth Council.

The DuPage County Juvenile Officers' Association invited Chantelle to address the collaboration between law enforcement and probation in fostering positive outcomes for youth within the juvenile justice system.

Fenton High School had the opportunity to visit the DuPage County Courthouse, where they spent valuable time with Chantelle in her courtroom. It's lovely to see students engaging directly with the legal system.

Chantelle had a fantastic, albeit windy, day showing her support for her Addison School District 4 PTA as they hosted their Annual Shuffle event. It's always heartening to see community involvement in educational initiatives like this.

Chantelle had an enjoyable time with members of the DuPage County Forest Preserve at the IBEW Local 701 event. It's essential to maintain strong ties within the community and collaborate on initiatives for environmental conservation and preservation.

Upcoming events

Volunteer Pizza Party

We are so grateful for every single person who came out to volunteer with Judge Chantelle throughout her campaign so far. We could not have done this without you all! As a thank you, we would love for you all to join us at the DuPage Democrat Office (885 Geneva Road, Carol Stream) on May 7th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for a pizza party!

Please register here.

Wood Dale Memorial Day Parade

We are once again joining the Wood Dale Memorial Day Parade! The parade is May 27th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Once we receiving our staging information, we can provide volunteers with our meet up location, meet up time, and parking information.

Please register here.

Fundraiser hosted by Edgerton & Edgerton

Join us for a fundraiser hosed by Edgerton & Edgerton on June 13th starting at 5:30 p.m. Click here to register.

Click Here to Contribute to Judge Porter's Campaign

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